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sáb., 18 de nov.


Raum Für Yoga & Mehr

COCOA ALCHEMY For Heart & Creative Awakening

Experience a transformative Cocoa Ceremony inspired by ancient Mayan traditions, designed to activate your Heart Chakra Portal! Then we invite you to tap into your creativity and express the depths of your heart.

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COCOA ALCHEMY  For Heart & Creative Awakening
COCOA ALCHEMY  For Heart & Creative Awakening

Horário e local

18 de nov. de 2023, 15:00 – 19:00 GMT

Raum Für Yoga & Mehr, Stuttgarter Straße 8, 70469 Stuttgart


Sobre o evento

Experience a transformative Cocoa Ceremony inspired by ancient Mayan traditions, designed to activate your Heart Chakra Portal! 

Then we invite you to tap into your creativity and express the depths of your heart.   

Open your heart to receive this elixir revered as the nectar of the Gods by the Mayas and Incas.

In a ceremony adorned with beauty, 

Where the mists and the aroma of Mayan Copal cleanse our energy and space, 

Opening the Portals to welcome the aroma and flavor of cocoa, 

Together, we will perform Cocoa Alchemy, 

Combined with guided meditations and activations, we will awaken our Heart Chakra.

The Heart serves as a profound Multidimensional Portal. Upon activation, we comprehend that love transcends mere emotion—it is a potent energy.

The mightiest force in the Universe!

Consider this your invitation to unlock your Heart Portal and allow your Heart to navigate your life, for the voice of your Heart echoes the voice of your Soul. The more attuned you are to your Heart, the more aligned you become with the life your Soul has chosen to live.


- Opening ceremony with  Copal* cleasing  & Opening 7 direction Portal

- Guided Meditation 

- Cocoa Alchemy - We we perform a ritual and we will make the Cocoa Elixir together 

- Heart Activation

- Dance - A dance to feel your body and let it express itself

-  Delicious healthy and vegetarian Fingers food break

- Painting experience - With your heart chakra open, feel your heart and express yourself. You will receive canvas and paints to create. 

- Sharing talk . Closing ceremony

- So that cocoa can act on you as medicine, we ask that you do not eat anything 3 hours before the ceremony. Or if you need to eat, eat something light. 

- Dress beautifully and comfortably, expressing your creativity


- All the experience including the cocoa

- Fingers food

- Canva & Paints 


100%  Organic pure Cocoa from Peru


Marcelle Bottini is a and a successful businesswoman who devotes her life to the pursuit of Ancestral Wisdom, applying it to her own life and sharing it with others.

Having studied under renowned masters from various corners of the globe, she has been initiated into a wealth of diverse wisdom, including the Enneagram, Mayan Wisdom, Multidimensional  & heart activation and the Council of Elders of the 13 Moons. These ancient teachings, passed down through generations of women for millennia.

Utilizing this profound knowledge, Marcelle successfully steers her company, which offers services to multinational corporations in Brazil. With a team of 14 dedicated women, her company operates seamlessly, allowing Marcelle to focus on her true calling. 

Today, she is dedicated to her life's purpose, which involves conducting ceremonies, leading women's circles, interpreting soul maps and oracles, and organizing transformative retreats. 

Marcelle firmly believes that the path to transformation begins with listening to the call of one's soul and following it wholeheartedly. She is passionate about guiding individuals to live lives filled with complete fulfillment, empowering them to embrace their true selves and fulfill their deepest desires. Marcelle's dedication to helping others embark on this transformative journey reflects her profound commitment to the well-being and happiness of every person she encounters. Through her wisdom and guidance, she inspires others to embark on their own unique paths, leading to a life of genuine contentment and purpose.

JOIN US! We kindly ask you to confirm your attendance until Nov 13th. 



    For an optimal experience, we suggest to not eat anything 3 Hours before the ceremony This ticket includes Cocoa ceremony All the experiences Fingers food Material for art experience

    Vendas encerradas
    • € 65,00
      Taxa de serviço de € 1,63


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